Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday, Monday, Monday ♡

My weekends are always short and I always work on my things! I hate Mondays! But today I'm going to have fun ;)

Over the weekend I..

Worked on my Inventory of Bags and Started organizing and cutting..

Went to buy Shoe Laces too!!

Watched "Take me Home Tonight" on theater with friends - Best movie EVER! - Best Soundtrack,  wardrobe, hilarious!!!!!!!!! Very fun to watch! I recommended to everyone! I ♡ the 80s!

here are some songs:

Pete Townshend: Let My Love Open the Door

Opus: Life is Life

Save Ferris: Come on Eileen

Kim Carnes: Bette Davis Eyes

Today I have a concert ahead! Ra Ra Riot in Ft Lauderdale.. I'm so excited! I can't wait!

Here are some of my favorites:

Can You Tell

Ghost Under Rocks

Have a great week!!! How was your weekend??? :)




  1. Sounds like a fun movie I gotta go and connect me to the 80's

  2. si! me recordo a the hangover!!!! you gotta see it its super cute! :)

  3. I'm so in love with Ra Ra Riot. Saw them (in what seems like forever ago) with Deathcab. One of the best shows I have ever been to.

  4. Ashley! I will be posting tonight my concert review! i fell in love with ra ra riot!! amazing! deathcab? omg im jelous! I saw them with a canadian band- the luyas! cool band too.
