Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My New Camera: Fisheye ♡

On Saturday, I got a package in the mail from Sebastian.. , a b-day gift! thank you thank you! :D made me very happy! 

Fisheye #2 from Lomography ♡

I've been wanting this camera a loong time ago.. :D On Sunday, I developed my first film!!! here are some photos:

1. Art Walk Wall painting -Downtown Miami
2. My Home -Building
3. Art Walk Wall Painting (I Heart 305- Miami)

1. Sweat Records: Downtown Miami
2. At the Vegan Market 
3. ME! 

1. Sweat Records Graffiti 
2. Sweat Records inside 
3. My friends at the Vegan Market

It's so fun! It has lots of cool effects I need to learn!! :):)


  1. Ohhh...I want one!!! That is awesome! I can't wait to see more of the pictures you take with it. :)

  2. Oh my gosh.. it looks so lovely! :O

    I've got a Diana F+ and I've been wondering about getting the fisheye lens for it. I think your set of eye-candy (photos) has just won me over, haha!

  3. Yay! They look great. Have fun :D

  4. Sooo cooool Baby!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!

  5. Ooo pretty camera! Nice pictures, too. Enjoy using it. :)

  6. thank youuu!
    I need to practice more!!! this camera has lots of features!!! i need to read the manuals!
    hahaaha fisheye rocks! :) its so pretty too! ;)

  7. Fun!! I want to get a fisheye lens for my dSLR. I just love the effect you can get!
