Friday, May 6, 2011

Blog Bday Party: Carolina Benoit ♡

Hi Everyone! 
I am Carolina Benoit from I am a fashion designer-blogger-lover from Colombia. I have my own label which sells mostly online, for this reason, I spend ridiculous amounts of time on the internet, which is where I met Lee Lee. Lee lee and I have become great blog-friends. ♡

Many people are currently wearing lace all over the place, and with princess Kate's wedding dress as inspiration, I decided to do a tutorial on how to make a lace bow, no sewing skills required, and in less than 5 minutes.

You will need:

1.Scraps of fabric (or a rectangle 8"Long by 6"Wide )

2. A piece of ribbon, I am using another piece of scrap fabric (1"wide by 5"long)

3. A silicon gun

4. Scissors

5. A hair salon metal Duckclip (the smaller the better)

Step 1. Take the rectangle and fold it in half horizontally

Step 2. Take the small rectangle and tie around the middle of the gathered big piece of fabric.

Step 3. This will create a bow shape, next, glue together the piece of fabric and the bow:

Step 4. When the glue is dry, cut the excess fabric:

Step 5. Glue together the bow and the duckclip, do it so that the bow covers completely de clip.

And Voila! 5 easy steps to a very cute bow!

Happy B-day Lee Lee! <3 I hope you have an amazing B-day week. Thank you for inviting me to do this tutorial!

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