Tuesday, August 23, 2011

August Break # 17-22

Almost a week gone by of me slacking to post my August Break project !!! I take photos everyday, so that's not the problem. I think I like it better this way, but I will try to keep up with it ;)

17. A Gelato break- mine was Mango with Stracciatella : YUM 
(plus the chocolate cover cone.. super yumm.. :P)

18. This is on of Gracia's street decorations- my favorite one by far, so lovely..

19. Castells- Human Towers.. This is a Catalan Tradition- professionals go up top of each other.. I was so scared, they were shaking a LOT.. :s.. (fyi: I am afraid of heights)

20. He can skate backwards.. yeah he's cool like that.. :P

21. Best Home-Cooked Meal ever by a friend.

22. At Park Güell - very hot hot day!


  1. um, yum...gelato!! i was not aware that you could mix flavors!


  2. park güel!!!! <3 that dinner looks so delicious!!
