Saturday, March 19, 2011

In the Mail this Week!

I got a cute little owl from Ashley !! Big shout out to her blog! Thank you ash! so cool!

And I got my first Pen-Pal note from Cuppy!!!! So exciting! haha 

P.s.. To my giveaway winners from What the Craft and LDC Designs - I will be sending out the bags you chose on monday!!!! yay! :) thank you all for participating


  1. YAY !!!!! I was hoping you'd get it by the weekend <3

    Getting mail is so much fun!


  2. yes yes!! I really enjoyed reading your letter! so cute! ;)

  3. Yay! It's surreal seeing something I made on your blog! Awesomeness!

  4. ash! thanks for participating and it was so nice from you to send me the owl!!! really awesomeness from your part!!! :D <3 haha xo!

  5. By the way, totally off topic & kinda weird but, would you mind too terribly much blurring out my address in the photo with my address label on it. I'm super weird about that stuff & I don't like my personal information being online. Is that OK?

    I hope I'm not coming off as rude or anything, I'm just a really private person so it makes me feel uppity having it up like that.


  6. cuppy ! yes, i will do it right away ;) sorry!

  7. No worries at all. Thank you so much for taking care of it! I appreciate it so so so much!

