Monday, August 6, 2012

What I've been doing - 11:11

Since July, I've been full time (plus over-time) working on a new Nickelodeon show; 11:11 En mi Cuadra Nada Cuadra as a wardrobe assistant. 

The show production ends at the end of October, and the show will be aired by then.

Its been hard work, long hours and not enough sleep, but worth it. 

Last Saturday, a co-worker took his awesome camera and took great photos of us being goofy.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Braid ♡

Lately, I've been obsessing over braids. Luckily I work surrounded by hair stylists and they have helped me achieve these awesome braids.

My goal is to learn, so I've been watching them real close!

Here are some pictures I've shared over on Instagram!