On September 7th, 2010
I contacted Kalee from UStrendy to be part of
http://www.ustrendy.com/featured I guess there's alot of people out there contacting her too, so Im still waiting for my section to be up! here are my interview questions/answers :)
What is your inspiration for designs that are being featured?
I get inspired by music, art, and the people around me. I am always watching people when I go out, what they are wearing, what they are doing. I really like urban movements and the pop culture. I usually design and sketch when I am in a boring place - I believe there’s inspiration everywhere I go!
What drove you to choose fashion design and specifically starting your own design?
It started way back in high school when I got my first sewing machine from my grandmother. I was really curious and wanted to learn. Eventually my passion for fabrics, sewing and wanting to do a bunch of stuff at the end came up fashion design as my career. My designs specifically started out in the middle of my studies – my love for handbags and urban styles. These designs were sketched while I was at school in middle of general courses, I used to sit in the back and sketch. I still have lots of sketches that need to be created!